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Thursday, 30 November 2017

Digital Printing, An Insight OF What The Future Holds


With the passage of time, more and more print solution providers are opting for the digital technology in this domain. There may be many who may have not considered this change, but they may have started questioning themselves as in whether to make this advance move or not.

What the research says!

A recent global research conducted by Smithers Pira stated that the future for this industry is very bright; demands are increasing in this domain to say the least.

There are many printers in Dubai who have already opted for this change. According to them, demands for digital solutions are overtaking the conventional ones and it was becoming almost unbearable for them to send off clients without serving them just because they were not backed with digital solutions.

Digital Printing, An Insight OF What The Future Holds | Printers in Dubai

Let’s have a closer look and see what 2018 holds for this industry:

The research carried out by SmithersPira declared that not only digital printing Dubai but things world over in the said niche will be floating around 190 billion USD during the next year. This is going to be roughly half of what the offset sector. In simple words the value of digital’s share would be almost 50% of the offset trends. 

This no doubt can be classified as a huge make shift when things will be compared with the market situation for 2008. At that time the share for digital domain was more or less 18.5%.

Value vs. Volume:

Experts believe that the demands and expectations will drop a great deal between 2008 and 2018. On the other hand, they believe that an exceptional raise of 69% might be notice. 

No matter whichever angle one uses to look at it, the share of digital vs. Offset may still be classified as comparatively on the lower side and this is because of the greater unit costs that digital trends have when compared with the offset solutions.

Thinking about the price? We have got that covered too for you:

For a print order of one thousand A4 prints, the forecasted cost would be somewhere around 120USD. While a similar order for offset prints will cost the customer roughly about 11USD. One may clearly see the huge difference, although these forecasts are strictly based on what one used to pay back in 2008, i.e. 11.34USD for the same order and 93USD for the digital solutions.

Digital printing becoming considerably cost-effective:

The continuation in elite trends and innovations in technology will help printers to come up with digital solutions that are further budget friendly. Many operators today are spending in at least one digital machine so as to perk up their productivity and bring down the costs for each unit. 

Closing lines:

The future is promising for this industry; digital printing in particular would be the centre of attention due to its efficient, appealing and accurate nature. 

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